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School Safety

Safety Reminder

At Stockard Coffee, safety has, and will remain, our highest priority. This communication outlines additinal measures taken at our school before and after school and to remind students and parents/guardians of additional safety precautions and best practices to utilize while traveling to and from school. 

School staff monitor all entrances to the school site at arrival and dismisal and all visitors must enter through the school office to be cleared through Raptor, our safety check-in system.

School staff is on cmapus supervising students, 30 minutes before the start time for school. No students should be left at school sites more than 30 minutes prior to the start of school as there is no supervision at that time.

Families and guardians are asked to follow all established traffic flow patterns that have been established at the school sites. Please do not park in red zones, bus zones or "coned off" areas, do not block traffic or driveways and ensure that all vehicles are entering and exiting the parking lots and adjacent areas, in the correct direction. Please drive slowly and with caution in areas on/near our school sites where children are arriving and leaving campus. Show kindness and patience with each other and staff as we support our studnets' arrival and dismissal each day. 

The District does not have student safety patrols or crossing guards to monitor crosswalks; famlies must ensure that their children have a safe route to school and cross safely, if walking or biking to school. Bus transportation is currently offered to any family who qualiflies per the transportation guidelines. The District works closely with the city and law enforcement to respond to safety needs near our school campuses. 

In order to ensure a safe arrival and dismissal for studnets, to and from the home, school sites, and bus stops, parents/guardians should consider and reivew the following precautions with students:

  • Parents/guardians should establish a route for their children to follow when walking or biking to and from school. Parents/Guardians should decide which streets are the safest for their children to use as their daily route and walk that route with their child(ren) at least once.
  • When parents/guardians are unable to walk the route with their child(ren), parents/guardians should consider arranging for students to walk in pairs or groups of children rather than alone.
  • Students should not approach or talk to strangers.
  • Parents/guardians should rehearse with students what to do if approached by someone (in-person or in a vehicle) they do not recongize.
  • Parents/guardians should report any susupcious activity or persons to the school and law enforecment immediately.
  • Students shuld not walk in alleys or bike lanes.
  • Encourage children to keep their heads up, phones down, and earphones off while walking or biking. 
  • Remind your child about basic road safety rules. Always look both ways before crossing the street, use crosswalks, and obey traffic signals.
  • Parents/guardians driving their child to school should let their child out of the vehicle on the same side of the street as the school. 

Please review these precautions and safety measures with your child(ren). We will continue to review our processes and monitor our school sites, sharing with our families information and updates to keep you informed. Our shared goal is to ensure that every child arrives safely at school and back home. By working together and instilling these safety practices we can create a safer environment for everyone.



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