Intradistrict and Interdistrict Transfers
INTRADISTRICT TRANSFERS (Transfer to a School Within the District of Residence)
- A completed Intradistrict Form must be submitted for each child living in the Sylvan District who would like to attend another school within the district. Forms are available at the school site or at the link below. Open enrollment begins the first business day in December and ends the last business day in February and completed forms must be returned by the last Friday in February to the school of residence.
- In cases where there are more requests to attend a school than there are openings, the selection process is “random and unbiased” through a lottery process. The Superintendent or designee shall determine the capacity of each District school.
- The Board of Trustees retains the authority to maintain appropriate racial and ethnic balances, as determined by the Board of Trustees, among District schools.
- Transportation is not provided for a student who transfers to another school in the district under these provisions.
- If a transfer request is denied, a parent/guardian does not have an automatic right to appeal the decision.
- Approval will be contingent on space availability.
A completed application must be submitted for any child wishing to attend a District school (referred to as the "requested school") that is outside their designated attendance area. A separate application is required for each child. Please note that the application is valid only for the requested school and does not automatically transfer to middle school for elementary students.
While the District will make every effort to accommodate all requests, students residing within a school's attendance area are given first priority for enrollment. Additionally, the District reserves the right to maintain appropriate racial and ethnic balances across all schools, as determined by the Board of Trustees.
Each school will have a designated capacity. If the number of requests to attend a school exceeds its capacity, intradistrict attendance requests will be selected through a random process and approved until the capacity is reached.
Students enrolled in special programs, such as GATE/self-contained classes (excluding GATE pull-out programs) or other specialized education programs, do not need to submit an application. However, siblings of students in these special programs who wish to attend the same school must complete a separate application.
Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee approval of the request.
Pursuant to Board Policy 5116.1, students with an “Approved Intra-District Attendance Agreement” will no longer be required to reapply annually. The approval will automatically renew at the beginning of each school year, except for students transitioning to a new school placement (e.g., from TK to Kindergarten or 5th to 6th grade).
Students with an “Approved Intra-District Attendance Agreement” granted based on an “Administrative Placement” must reapply during the next Open Enrollment period.
For students without an approved Intra-District Attendance Agreement, or for those wishing to request a change to a different school outside their designated attendance area, an Intra-District Attendance Application must be completed and submitted to their current school by the last business day in February. Applications will be selected randomly, and requests may be approved until the school’s capacity is reached.
Please note that transportation for students attending a school outside their resident attendance area will not be provided by the District. Transportation arrangements will be the responsibility of the parent or guardian.
If your child is on an Overflow List from your school of residence and is approved for an intradistrict transfer, your child’s name will be removed from the Overflow List. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent.
INTERDISTRICT TRANSFERS (Transfer to a District Outside of the District of Residence)
Education Code 46600 allows two or more districts to enter into an agreement for the transfer of one or more students for a period of up to five years. Requests for an Interdistrict Transfer must be initiated at the District of Residence.
Interdistrict agreements are subject to annual review. The Sylvan Union School District reserves the right to place students in schools or programs where space is available. Interdistrict agreements may be revoked at any time if a student fails to meet acceptable standards of attendance, behavior, or academic performance. Approval of an agreement is also contingent upon space availability.
If a transfer request is denied by either district, parents/guardians have the right to appeal the decision. However, students who are under consideration for expulsion or have already been expelled are not eligible to appeal Interdistrict denials or decisions while expulsion proceedings are ongoing or during the term of the expulsion.
NOTE: Transportation will not be provided for a student who transfers into the district on an Interdistrict Agreement.
You may access the Interdistrict Transfer Form by clicking the links below. Please download, print and return both forms to the District Office for approval.
BOARD POLICIES: Updated 3/31/2020
Board Policy 5116.1 Intradistrict Open Enrollment
Administrative Regulation 5116.1 Intradistrict Open Enrollment
Board Policy 5117 Interdistrict Attendance
Administrative Regulation 5117 Interdistrict Attendance
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