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Freedom Elementary School


Let Freedom Ring by Attending School Every Day!

Each Friday, at Falcons at the Flagpole, we recognize classes with outstanding attendance.

Our School Goal is 95% Attendance

Falcon Fence photo

It is our goal that every child have opportunity to receive a proper education and find success in school. In order to do this, your child must have regular attendance.

Reporting Your Student Absent
Call the Freedom Office at 552-3400 x1801

Absent Due to Illness

If your child is ill with a fever, vomiting/diarrhea, an infection requiring antibiotics, children should be 24 hours symptom free before returning to school. For students out ill for 3 or more consecutive days, it is recommended that the parent have a note from the doctor clearing the student to return to school and to excuse the absences. 

Absence Due to Doctor/Dentist/Orthodontist Appointments

We would like to encourage you to schedule your child’s appointments during non-school times so students don’t miss out on important instructional time with their teachers in the classroom. If this is not possible, however, please have your student bring in a note from their doctor, dentist, orthodontist, etc., to excuse the absence.

Absence Due to Family Vacations/Events

We would like to encourage you to schedule your family vacations/events during non-school times so students don’t miss out on important instructional time with their teachers in the classroom. If this is not possible, however, please know that these absences are considered unexcused and three or more unexcused absences may result in your student being reported as truant. IMPORTANT: If your family vacation/events will cause your student to be out for 5 or more days, please call the office AT LEAST five school days prior to the first day out to see if you student qualifies for a Short-term Independent Study Contract.

"If you miss school, you miss out."

Why is Attendance in the Early Grades So Important?

Upcoming Events

April 2

Minimum Day

All Day Event

April 9

Minimum Day

All Day Event

April 16

Minimum Day

All Day Event

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