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Monthly Newsletter

Daily Announcements


  • Tip for the year: Don’t let rumors rule your day. Wreck them by checking the facts and always looking for the truth.
  • Hey Kodiaks! Applications for the third trimester after school Woodworking Club are available starting today.! Come by the woodshop (classroom 96) before or after school or email Mr. Fox if you have any questions.
  • Congratulations to our winners of the lunchtime volleyball tournament: 5th period: Nebraska State Camila Ruiz, Faith Moradkhan who subbed for Stacy Gallegos, Gracycen Hughes, and Emma Henderson 6th period: Long Beach State Matthew Lee, Sean Olangcay, Marc Quach, and Andrew Long Thanks to all of our Kodiaks who put their trash in the garbage cans and their recyclable items in the recycling bins.
  • Here is a quote from Ed Begley, Jr.: "I think the things that everyone can do are small things, but if they're done, it will eventually help the environment."
  • STAFF - today is recycling pick-up day. Please set your blue bins outside your classroom door now so it can be picked up during 7th period.
  • Congratulations to Friday’s Attendance winners: Abril Piedra, Claire Avila, Ranbeer Sandhu, Luis Leyva, Erik Garnica, Adrian Lao, Jazmyn Porter, Anthony Nguyen, Jocelyn Powell, and Angel Salazar Romero. Prize Patrol will be delivering your Red Robin prizes first period. Remember, Kodiaks,, “Every Day Counts”.
  • Hey, Kodiaks! Did you know vaping clouds more than just your lungs? It clouds your potential. Let’s escape the vape and breathe easy for a brighter tomorrow!
  • Colorguard 5-8pm
  • Winds practice 3:30-5:30pm

Athletic News:

  • No Wrestling Practice today
  • 7th Grade Boys Basketball practice tomorrow from 4:30-6:00.
  • 8th Grade Boys Home Basketball game tomorrow at 3:45 against MC

Remember Kodiaks, always be Respectful, Responsible and Reliable!

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