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Our goal is to maintain an effective learning environment for all of our students.  Unfortunately, excessive tardiness causes a disruption to that learning environment.  As indicated in the SUSD Middle School Code of Conduct, there are consequences for excessive tardiness.  Beginning immediately, students will receive the following consequences for tardiness:

  • 1 tardy = verbal warning from teacher
  • 2 tardies = teacher documents with office, “S” citizenship
  • 3 tardies = parent notification via Aeries communication and lunch detention
  • 4 tardies  = counselor sessions and lunch detention
  • Each tardy after that will result in additional discipline.
  • 4 or more tardies will also result in an unsatisfactory citizenship grade and may lead to extra-curricular ineligibility.

Please talk to your student about using the 4 minute passing period between each class wisely.  There is plenty of time for any student to reach his/her/their class. 

There is a lot of great learning happening and even more exciting opportunities are coming up for all of our students.  We want all of our Kodiaks to be successful, safe, and healthy and to have an opportunity to participate in any of our extra curricular activities.  Please let us know how we can support you as we continue our 2022-2023 journey.

Upcoming Events

April 1
April 2

Early Release - 1:40pm

All Day Event

April 3

Boys Volleyball @ Salida

3:45 PM - 5:15 PM

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