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Julian Estrada - Our Sylvan Ambassador (August 27, 2024)

Julian Estrada - Spotlight 01Julian is an outstanding leader both inside and outside of the classroom. He never fails to greet you with a smile (and a handshake) and he consistently sets a positive example for his peers. Last year, Julian served as one of our Communication Leaders, leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance and delivering announcements at our Friday morning rallies. This year, he’s taken on the role of a 2nd-grade tutor on campus. Julian is an active participant in all of our intramural sports tournaments, where he consistently demonstrates excellent sportsmanship. He even volunteered to referee games he wasn’t playing in, handling the role with fairness and consistency. We are incredibly proud of the leader Julian has become and honored to call him a Sanders' Sailor.

Julian's teachers have shared a few words they'd like you to hear about him:

Mrs. Flanders shared,  “It was my privilege to be Julian's kindergarten teacher.  Even as a 5 year old, Julian exhibited leadership skills in our classroom.  He was a student that ALWAYS did the right thing even when no one was looking.  One of my favorite things about Julian is his positive attitude.  When I see him around campus, he still greets me with a smile and kind words.  I know Julian is destined for great things!”

Mrs. Birlew shared, “Julian was in my first grade class during distance learning. He always logged on with a great attitude and a smile on his face. He stayed online for office hours every day to practice sight words and even stayed logged on to encourage others as they passed their levels of sight words!”

Mrs. Brady shared, “In 2nd grade Julian was an excellent student and a leader in the classroom.  He was helpful, kind and came to school everyday eager to learn with a smile on his face.”

Mrs. Marinovich shared, “I had the honor of being Julian's third grade teacher.  Julian was an absolutely remarkable student in every way.  He loved learning, sports, and would continually strive to do his best in all areas.  He always contributed to the class conversation with thoughtful answers, and to the classroom community by being a great person who genuinely cared about his fellow classmates.  Julian was always respectful and kind, and it was such a pleasure to teach this amazing student!  I'm looking forward to seeing you next year at Savage, Julian!”

Mrs. Anderson, Julian’s fourth grade teacher, shared, “Julian is an exemplary student both inside and outside of the classroom. He came to school everyday ready to learn, eager to engage with me, his classmates and advance his learning. Not only does Julian have a desire to learn, he also has a desire to be a good citizen. Everyday was a blessing with Julian in class, I could always count on him to help me or others with anything.” 

Mrs. Garza, Julian’s current fifth grade teacher shared, “Julian is a very kind and helpful student to his peers. He always strives for success and puts his best effort into his work. His dedication to checking his work to find ways to improve is truly commendable. Julian is a joy to teach, and I look forward to seeing how the rest of the year unfolds for him.”

In closing, Julian’s journey through our school has been nothing short of inspiring. From his early days in kindergarten to his current role as a leader and mentor, Julian has continually demonstrated the qualities that make a true leader. His kindness, dedication, and unwavering positivity have not only enriched our school but have also set a standard for others to follow.

Julian, we are incredibly proud of all you’ve accomplished and are confident that you will continue to achieve great things in the future. On behalf of everyone at Sanders, thank you for being a shining example of what it means to be a Sanders' Sailor. We can’t wait to see where your journey takes you next.

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