Announcements – 02/21/25
- All students will receive their 3rd trimester schedules during 7th period class today. As always, you have access to see your schedule on Aeries.
- Attention Wrestlers and Boys Basketball: We will be taking team pictures after school. Basketball players, please remember to bring your uniform. For wrestlers, don't forget your sweatshirt.
- Yesterday the Savage wrestling team traveled to the always dominant Oakdale wrestling room and showed up! This is the first time in over 10 years that the Savage team has gone to Oakdale and put up a score like 93 to 72. But it was done! And it was done by the hardworking wrestlers who had no fear stepping on the mat going toe to toe with their opponent and coming out on top! Great job wrestlers, be very proud of this one, you deserve it! Remember today after school in the gym lobby are pictures.
- CJSF Trimester 2 members. Please begin turning in your volunteer hours forms if you want the trimester to count towards CJSF Honors. They will be due in a couple weeks, but you can turn it in anytime before then."
- Still interested in an 8th grade sweatshirt? Limited number of sizes small and large are still available. Purchases online or at the student store...while they last.
- 8th grade girls attending Beyer next year: For those interested in cheerleading at Beyer, applications are online now at the Beyer website. There is a mandatory parent meeting on March 19th. The deadline for applications is March 18th 4pm.
- For any 8th graders interested in playing sports for Beyer next year, there is a Parent/new Athlete meeting on Thursday, May 21st 6:30pm in the Beyer Gym.
- Peer Tutoring: Peer tutoring will be held in the Library Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50 pm-3:50 PM. Students will need to enter through the library door by 2:50 in order to participate.
Announcements – 02/20/25
- Attention Wrestlers and Boys Basketball: We will be taking team pictures tomorrow after school. Basketball players, please remember to bring your uniform. For wrestlers, don't forget your sweatshirt.
- Anime Club will be meeting today. Join the club in Room 35 after school.
- Still interested in an 8th grade sweatshirt? Limited number of sizes small and large are still available. Purchases online or at the student store...while they last.
- 8th grade girls attending Beyer next year: For those interested in cheerleading at Beyer, applications are online now at the Beyer website. There is a mandatory parent meeting on March 19th. The deadline for applications is March 18th 4pm.
- For any 8th graders interested in playing sports for Beyer next year, there is a Parent/new Athlete meeting on Thursday, May 21st 6:30pm in the Beyer Gym.
- Peer Tutoring: Peer tutoring will be held in the Library Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50 pm-3:50 PM. Students will need to enter through the library door by 2:50 in order to participate.
- Students, tomorrow is Parent Coffee Hour. If your parent or guardian is interested, have them RSVP through the message on Parent Square.
- Students just a reminder:
- The field is STILL closed
Announcements – 02/19/25
- Anime Club will be meeting tomorrow. Join the club in Room 35 after school.
- Still interested in an 8th grade sweatshirt? Limited number of sizes small and large are still available. Purchases online or at the student store...while they last.
- 8th grade girls attending Beyer next year: For those interested in cheerleading at Beyer, applications are online now at the Beyer website. There is a mandatory parent meeting on March 19th. The deadline for applications is March 18th 4pm.
- For any 8th graders interested in playing sports for Beyer next year, there is a Parent/new Athlete meeting on Thursday, May 21st 6:30pm in the Beyer Gym.
- Peer Tutoring: Peer tutoring will be held in the Library Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50 pm-3:50 PM. Students will need to enter through the library door by 2:50 in order to participate.
- Students, this Friday is Parent Coffee Hour. If your parent or guardian is interested, have them RSVP through the message on Parent Square.
Announcements – 02/14/25
- Yesterday the Savage Wrestling team traveled to Somerset and absolutely destroyed the Tigers. At one point Savage had 13 pins in a row. They were rolling kids left and right. The coaches were super proud of how hard they gave their all. Great job wrestlers keep up the hard work . Let's show Escalon what we can do here at home next Tuesday.
- 4th and 5th lunch: The Bobcat den (room 46) will be closed today. Only Ball equipment will be checked out.
- 8th grade girls attending Beyer next year: For those interested in cheerleading at Beyer, applications are online now at the Beyer website. There is a mandatory parent meeting on March 19th. The deadline for applications is March 18th 4pm.
- For any 8th graders interested in playing sports for Beyer next year, there is a Parent/new Athlete meeting on Thursday, May 21st 6:30pm in the Beyer Gym.
- Peer Tutoring: Peer tutoring will be held in the Library Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50 pm-3:50 PM. Students will need to enter through the library door by 2:50 in order to participate.
- There is NO SCHOOL on MONDAY 02/17. Have a great 3 Day Weekend!
Announcements – 02/13/25
- Anime Club- There will be no Anime Club this week. Please see our Google Classroom for more details.
- 8th grade girls attending Beyer next year: For those interested in cheerleading at Beyer, applications are online now at the Beyer website. There is a mandatory parent meeting on March 19th. The deadline for applications is March 18th 4pm.
- For any 8th graders interested in playing sports for Beyer next year, there is a Parent/new Athlete meeting on Thursday, May 21st 6:30pm in the Beyer Gym.
- Valentine Grams are all SOLD OUT!
- Peer Tutoring: Peer tutoring will be held in the Library Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50 pm-3:50 PM. Students will need to enter through the library door by 2:50 in order to participate.
- There is NO SCHOOL on MONDAY 02/17.
Announcements – 02/12/25
- Reminder to all 8th grade students attending Beyer and Enochs next year, the High School Counselors will be returning today to assist in uploading classes online. Please turn your ballot in during your math period today.
- 8th grade girls attending Beyer next year: For those interested in cheerleading at Beyer, applications are online now at the Beyer website. There is a mandatory parent meeting on March 19th. The deadline for applications is March 18th 4pm.
- For any 8th graders interested in playing sports for Beyer next year, there is a Parent/new Athlete meeting on Thursday, May 21st 6:30pm in the Beyer Gym.
- Valentine Grams are on sale now. Leadership is selling mini Bear key chains and roses. You can purchase one or both for a friend. You will be able to make a card and your order will be delivered by Leadership on Valentine's day during 7th period. You must know your friends first and last name as well as their 7th period teacher. Valentine grams are $2 each or 2 for $3. These can be purchased at the Student Store DURING LUNCH ONLY. TOMORROW is the last day to purchase.
- Peer Tutoring: Peer tutoring will be held in the Library Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50 pm-3:50 PM. Students will need to enter through the library door by 2:50 in order to participate.
- There is NO SCHOOL on MONDAY 02/17.
Announcements – 02/11/25
- Congratulations to the Savage Drumline on their outstanding performance Saturday at the Central Valley Percussion Circuit Competition. Our Savage Drumline came away with 1st place and the highest score for all Jr. High categories! Way to go Drumline!
- Reminder to all 8th grade students attending Beyer and Enochs next year, the High School Counselors will be returning tomorrow to assist in uploading classes online. Please turn your ballot in during your math period today or make sure to bring it to school tomorrow.
- 8th grade girls attending Beyer next year: For those interested in cheerleading at Beyer, applications are online now at the Beyer website. There is a mandatory parent meeting on March 19th. The deadline for applications is March 18th 4pm.
- For any 8th graders interested in playing sports for Beyer next year, there is a Parent/new Athlete meeting on Thursday, May 21st 6:30pm in the Beyer Gym.
- Valentine Grams are on sale now. Leadership is selling mini Bear key chains and roses. You can purchase one or both for a friend. You will be able to make a card and your order will be delivered by Leadership on Valentine's day during 7th period. You must know your friends first and last name as well as their 7th period teacher. Valentine grams are $2 each or 2 for $3. These can be purchased at the Student Store DURING LUNCH ONLY.
- Peer Tutoring: Peer tutoring will be held in the Library Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50 pm-3:50 PM. Students will need to be in the library by 2:50 in order to participate.
Announcements – 02/07/25
- Valentine Grams are on sale now. Leadership is selling mini Bear key chains and roses. You can purchase one or both for a friend. You will be able to make a card and your order will be delivered by Leadership on Valentine's day during 7th period. You must know your friends first and last name as well as their 7th period teacher. Valentine grams are $2 each or 2 for $3. These can be purchased at the Student Store DURING LUNCH ONLY.
- Peer Tutoring: Peer tutoring will be held in the Library Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50 pm-3:50 PM. Students will need to be in the library by 2:50 in order to participate.
- Students just a couple reminders:
- All food must be eaten at the blue tables. No food will be eaten on the ground.
- Please do not bring any laser pointers to school. They are highly dangerous and can cause permanent eye damage. They have no educational value. If you do bring them, there will be consequences.
- There is NO SCHOOL on MONDAY 02/10. Have a great 3 day weekend!
Announcements – 02/06/25
- Anime Club will be meeting Today. Join Mr. Wilkerson and the club after school in Room 35.
- Wrestling: Practice will be this week, Monday through Thursday from 3-5pm
- Valentine Grams are on sale now. Leadership is selling mini Bear key chains and roses. You can purchase one or both for a friend. You will be able to make a card and your order will be delivered by Leadership on Valentine's day during 7th period. You must know your friends first and last name as well as their 7th period teacher. Valentine grams are $2 each or 2 for $3. These can be purchased at the Student Store DURING LUNCH ONLY.
- Peer Tutoring: Peer tutoring will be held in the Library Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50 pm-3:50 PM. Students will need to be in the library by 2:50 in order to participate.
- Students just a couple reminders:
- All food must be eaten at the blue tables. No food will be eaten on the ground.
- Please do not bring any laser pointers to school. They are highly dangerous and can cause permanent eye damage. They have no educational value. If you do bring them, there will be consequences.
Announcements – 02/05/25
- Anime Club will be meeting this Thursday. Join Mr. Wilkerson and the club after school in Room 35.
- Wrestling: Practice will be this week, Monday through Thursday from 3-5pm
- 4th and 5th lunch - Chess tournament will continue today in the Bobcat Den (room46) please check the window to see if you have a match
- Valentine Grams are on sale now. Leadership is selling mini Bear key chains and roses. You can purchase one or both for a friend. You will be able to make a card and your order will be delivered by Leadership on Valentine's day during 7th period. You must know your friends first and last name as well as their 7th period teacher. Valentine grams are $2 each or 2 for $3. These can be purchased at the Student Store DURING LUNCH ONLY.
- Peer Tutoring: Peer tutoring will be held in the Library Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50 pm-3:50 PM. Students will need to be in the library by 2:50 in order to participate.
- Students just a couple reminders:
- All food must be eaten at the blue tables. No food will be eaten on the ground.
Announcements – 02/04/25
- Wrestling: Practice will be this week, Monday through Thursday from 3-5pm
- 4th and 5th Lunch - Chess tournament will resume TOMORROW.
- 4th and 5th Lunch - Girls Basketball - 7th grade vs 8th grade TODAY during both lunches.
- Valentine Grams are on sale now. Leadership is selling mini Bear key chains and roses. You can purchase one or both for a friend. You will be able to make a card and your order will be delivered by Leadership on Valentine's day during 7th period. You must know your friends first and last name as well as their 7th period teacher. Valentine grams are $2 each or 2 for $3. These can be purchased at the Student Store DURING LUNCH ONLY.
- Peer Tutoring: Peer tutoring will be held in the Library Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50 pm-3:50 PM. Students will need to be in the library by 2:50 in order to participate.
- Students just a couple reminders:
- All food must be eaten at the blue tables. No food will be eaten on the ground.
- Please keep in mind that if it rains during lunch, we will be on a rainy day schedule, all students will be in the gym. Teachers if you decide to open your classrooms, please let the front office know.
Announcements – 02/03/25
- 4th and 5th Lunch - Chess tournament will resume on Wednesday this week.
- Wrestling: Practice will be this week, Monday through Thursday from 3-5pm
- 4th and 5th Lunch - Girls Basketball - 7th grade vs 8th grade Tuesday during both lunches.
- Valentine Grams go on sale starting today. Leadership is selling mini Bear key chains and roses. You can purchase one or both for a friend. You will be able to make a card and your order will be delivered by Leadership on Valentine's day during 7th period. You must know your friends first and last name as well as their 7th period teacher. Valentine grams are $2 each or 2 for $3. These can be purchased starting today in the student store.
- Peer Tutoring: Peer tutoring will be held in the Library Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50 pm-3:50 PM. Students will need to be in the library by 2:50 in order to participate.
- The High School counselors will be here this afternoon to get balloting started. When instructed to, If you are within the Beyer High School boundaries, you will need to report to the Cafeteria. If you are within the Enochs boundaries or any other High School, you will report to the Gym. Even if you are doing an intradistrict transfer or plan to, you will still report to the area of your home school.
February 1
February 22
February 25
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