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Hello Bobcat Families!
Trimester 2 is now underway.  We know it was challenging coming back from our previous COVID restrictions, but things are going well!  Our focus for Trimester 1 was on resetting boundaries regarding the hands off policy as well as appropriate use of cell phones.
We now need to refocus on attendance and tardies.  If your child is sick and/or exhibiting COVID symptoms, please keep him/her/them home and notify the attendance office.  
Our goal is to maintain an effective learning environment for all of our students.  Unfortunately, excessive tardiness causes a disruption to that learning environment.  As indicated in the SUSD Middle School Code of Conduct, there are consequences for excessive tardiness.  Beginning immediately, students will receive the following consequences for tardiness:
  • 1 tardy = verbal warning from teacher
  • 2 tardies = teacher documents with office, “S” citizenship
  • 3 tardies = parent notification via Aeries communication
  • 4 tardies  = after school detention will be held daily from 2:45 - 3:45 pm (students will bring home a paper notification for parents to sign).
  • Each tardy after that will result in another day of after school detention.
  • 4 or more tardies will also result in an unsatisfactory citizenship grade and may lead to extra-curricular ineligibility.
Please talk to your student about using the 4 minute passing period between each class wisely.  There is plenty of time for any student to reach his/her/their class.  If your student accrues an after school detention, you will be notified by a detention slip that must be signed and returned as to ensure your child does not accumulate more consequences.
Another area of focus is wearing our masks in class.  We know this is a struggle, however, we are all still required to follow the county guidelines and COVID protocols.  The more we work together on this, the quicker we are hoping to return to a time of no masks! 
There is a lot of great learning happening and even more exciting opportunities are coming up for all of our students.  We want all of our Bobcats to be successful, safe, and healthy and to have an opportunity to participate in any of our extra curricular activities.  Please let us know how we can support you as we continue our 2021-2022 journey.
Thank you kindly,
Savage Administration

Parent Communication - School Challenges 10/01/2021

October 1, 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians,

If you are unaware, we are alerting you to a new trend on social media filled with challenges to cause disruption and violence across school campuses. You were sent a similar message last week about
September’s social media challenge “Devious Licks”, encouraging teens to destroy or steal items from school. October’s challenge on social media is to “Slap a Staff Member.” Coming in December is the
“Deck the Halls” challenge that encourages teens to graffiti or trash school halls. All of these challenges include recording and posting to social media platforms. We are alerting parents and guardians so
that you can speak to your children about making good decisions and the consequences of their actions.

Any vandalism, property damage, physical contact towards staff or students in violence or even in “play” or “jokes” will result in severe consequences. As such, the District will:
  • Take the appropriate disciplinary action, which would constitute, at a minimum, suspension from school.
  • Physical altercations will be reported to the Modesto Police Department.
  • Per California Penal Code 484 and 487, file charges for stolen property that meets the legal definition of grand theft ($950 dollars or more). 
  • Per Education Code 48904, seek reimbursement from theparent/guardian for damaged property or items.
  • Remove the student’s privileges for the remainder of the semester, including removing the student from sporting teams and/or clubs, participation in athletic events or other extracurricular activities such as but not limited to attending athletic games.
  • Revocation of intradistrict or interdistrict transfers.
Unfortunately, due to the desire to record these events and other physical altercations, our middle schools will have a much stronger stance on requiring students to turn off their phones and keep them stored in their backpack. Students will not be allowed to have phones out while on school grounds. Students who are recording any activity or physical altercations on campus will also result in serious consequences. As such the District may:
  • Take the appropriate disciplinary action, which could constitute suspension from school.
  • Remove the student’s privileges for the remainder of the semester, including removing the student from sporting teams and/or clubs, participation in athletic events or other extracurricular activities such as but not limited to attending athletic games.
  •  Revocation of intradistrict or interdistrict transfers.
Students who have their phones out or in their possession (not turned off and stored in their backpack) may also result in consequences. As such the District may:
  • Confiscate the phone and return it to a parent, guardian or caregiver.
  • Issue lunch or before/after school detentions.
  • Repeat violators:
    •  Required to turn in their phones to the office at the beginning and end of each day.
    •  Remove the student’s privileges for the remainder of the semester, including removing the student from sporting teams and/or clubs, participation in athletic events or other extracurricular activities such as but not limited to attending athletic games.
    • Revocation of intradistrict or interdistrict transfers.
In response to these acts, we are increasing surveillance of our campuses and reviewing camera footage where available. All middle schools will have cameras installed (if not already in place) before winter break. The footage obtained will be used as evidence if law enforcement charges need to be filed.

Again, we urge that you please talk with your student about the serious consequences of participating in these social media trends. We also strongly encourage monitoring of students’ social media
activity (Tik Tok, Discord, Instagram, SnapChat, etc), as these types of social media challenges tend to involve risky behaviors of which students do not typically realize the serious consequences or threat to the safety of our schools and community until it’s too late.
Thank you for your assistance in helping to put a stop to this activity in our community.
SUSD Middle School Code of Conduct - where you can find more detailed information on middle school disciplinary procedures

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