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Orchard Elementary School


Orchard Elementary School
Office Manager: Debbie Moniz
Phone: (209) 552-6100 ext. 1990
Fax: (209) 552-3105

Student Registration

Complete the online enrollment form on the SUSD website:  Aeries Online Enrollment

Online Enrollment

  • Once online enrollment is complete, an Aeries Parent Portal account is automatically created. You can reset your password by clicking on “forgot password”. 
  • Once your information is verified, an email will be linked to your child's account and an Aeries Parent Portal account will be automatically generated.
  • Aeries Parent Portal can be used to access student information, grades and attendance. 

After you complete the online enrollment, you will contact the Registrar to schedule an appointment to complete the registration process.

Documents required to complete enrollment:

  • Age and legal name verification – ONE of the following:
    • Certified copy of a birth certificate or a statement by the local registrar or county recorder certifying the date of birth;
    • Baptismal certificate or official hospital record of birth;
    • Passport
  • Parent or Guardian Photo ID to verify the identity of the enrolling adult 
  • Immunization record including:
    • Hepatitis B Vaccine
    • Varicella Vaccine (chicken pox) or health-care provider documentation of immunity
      • Note: 2 Varicella Doses required

    All state required immunizations must be current.

  • Proof of residency (2):
  • Current proof of residence within the Orchard Elementary School boundaries: (Note: must be a street address; P.O. Box is not acceptable) consisting of any of the following with the present address and the name of the parent or legal guardian listed:
    • Property tax payment receipts
    • Mortgage statement, rental property contract, or lease agreement
    • Current utility service (e.g., PG&E, water, garbage, sewer) contract, statement, or payment receipt
    • Rental property payment receipt
    • Parent or guardian’s recent pay stub
    • Voter registration
    • Correspondence from a government agency (e.g. court documents, motor vehicle registration, driver’s license, etc.).
  • IEP/504 (if applicable)
  • Court documents (if applicable)
  • Withdrawal form/exit grades from previous school (if enrolling mid year) or Transcript

Withdrawing from enrollment

To permanently withdraw a student from attendance, parents must see the Registrar in advance. Students are to report to the Registrar to receive a Withdrawal Form that will be completed by each of their teachers and the school librarian to be cleared. Once the form is complete, the student will return the Withdrawal Form to the Registrar and will receive a copy to take to their next school. 

Aeries Student Information and Change of Address:

  • Student information can be updated by a parent/guardian in Aeries through the Parent Portal with access, except for change of address.
    • If there is a change of address, please contact the Registrar to update.
    • In the Aeries Parent Portal you can add/delete Contact information to ensure that all information is up to date and that those listed are properly labeled for emergency purposes.
    • Please ensure that those with permission to pick up your student, in the case of emergency, are listed under Contacts in Aeries. 

How to request transcripts or student records

For transcripts or copy of records, all record requests must be completed with the Registrar via phone, fax or email. Please allow 5 business days for processing. 

Upcoming Events

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